Thursday, June 5, 2008

Some additional information I received at the parenting class:

Different types of parenting -

1 Permissive - Permissive parents are fearful parents. They are high on love and low on discipline. (They have few rules and what rules they do have aren't enforced)

2 Neglectful - Neglectful parents are forsaking parents. They are low on love and low on discipline.

3 Authoritarian - Authoritarian parents are fighting parents. They are low on love and high on discipline.

4 Authoritative - Authoritative parents are fellowshipping parents. They are high on love and high on discipline.

Which one do you fall closest to? The balanced, authoritative parent who combines high levels of support with high levels of control typically produce children with high self-esteem, good coping skills, and a positive relationship with parents.

A father's mandate:
1. Cultivate a sense of family identity (take pride in your last name)
2. Demonstrate an ongoing love for your wife
3. Keep your promises
4. Give your children the freedom to fail
5. Be the encourager of the family (it's not just the mother's job)
6. Routinely embrace your children

Have a great day being the parent God designed you to be

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