Monday, March 9, 2009

Good morning and happy Monday! We finished up Nathan's basketball season on Saturday. Unfortunately, his team lost both games they played, but he really did a great job. Both our children really enjoy playing basketball so it's a bummer when their seasons are over but it will work out well since we will soon be starting the remodeling on our new house. Since we'll be on a one month time frame, I'm sure there won't be time for much else. I think that God just has a way of working these things out.

I woke with a song in my head that we often sing in church. "All things work together, all things work together, all things work together, work together for good. For those who love God, for who are called, called to His purpose. All things work together, all things work together, all things work together, work together for good."

This is a song pulled from Scripture. What a great way to memorize this powerful truth.

I will stand on God's promises today - will you?

Have a great day
Living fearlessly in Christ

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