Thursday, May 22, 2008

Job is the topic today. As I read chapter 3, I could relate. Job curses the day he was born. He wishes that he was never born. He doesn't feel like he can take the pain one more day. I've also had these experiences in my life - wishing that God would not make me endure one more day on this earth. These are the experiences that grow our faith the most. The experiences when we can rely on nothing else but God. He is always faithful and compassionate but especially when we hurt.

Earlier in the book, his attitude was different. In one swift blow, he found out that all of his livestock and children were killed. I was surprised at his response. He fell to the ground in worship and said "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." WOW! I can't say my reaction would be the same. His sadness and grief does come, as you read above, but to immediately worship before anything else is a great inspiration to me.

Next, he is covered in sores from head to toe and his wife encourages him to "curse God and die". Satan was able to use her to tempt Job to give up. Thankfully again, he had an amazing response - "You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" Let me repeat that SHALL WE ACCEPT GOOD FROM GOD AND NOT TROUBLE? It's time to get over our pity party, it's time to trust in the One who is trusthworthy and it's time to worship no matter what our circumstances are. Praise God for His faithfulness!

Have a great day worshipping

1 comment:

much2ponder said...

Job is an interesting book isn't it? I read it a while back and it taught me a good lesson about judging others. I wrote about it on my blog if you are interested.