Thursday, July 10, 2008

We have a new addition to our family!! No, don't be crazy - we're not having a baby but we did find this kitten last night in our shed. She was crying so loud that we had to find her. Not long after we feed her, she snuggled up in Elizabeth's arms and was happy as could be. We're not sure where she came from, but she'll get plenty of loving around here.

I was reading in Jeremiah 26 this morning about the words that God gave to Jeremiah to warn the people of Judah to come to their senses and follow God or His wrath would come upon them. His words angered them and they wanted to kill him.

Have you ever been nervous about telling someone something they don't want to hear? When speaking, I have had times that I look out into the audience to find someone looking back with crossed arms and a scowl. It sometimes is difficult for me to stay focused and not be intimidated. I can imagine that Jeremiah could have been nervous about the message he was about to give. My husband always reassures me that I was not called by God to please the people that I speak to, but to faithfully teach His Word.

Even though the people didn't want to hear what Jeremiah had to say, he still obeyed by giving the warning. Would you have done the same? Remember, that when God gives you the words to say - He will give you the strength to say them.

Have a great day!


P.S. Here's a great blog entry from my friend LuAnn Prater

09/07: When We Work, We Work; When We Pray, God Works!
Category: In His Grip
Posted by: Luann
It is no wonder throughout the bible we are referred to as sheep! We had a guest speaker at our church several years ago who grew up on a sheep farm and she told us how incredibly, (how can I say this nicely), slow they are. They can be standing within 10 feet of a green pasture and yet stand and bawl because they are on a dry spot! Wow, do we deserve the name sheep! We stand in the middle of our circumstance crying about it, when all we need to do is pray and allow God to lead us to the green pasture. We are so stinkin' stubborn we would rather stand there miserable and hungry because we don't want to be led anywhere. We are self-reliant and we want to do it ourself. We make it so hard on ourselves. Take a look throughout the bible and see when God did his best stuff. It was after people prayed. He is standing right there but he will never force himself into our lives. He longs to show us a better way, a greener pasture, an abundant life, but we have to ask. He is that loving; never imposing His will only offering to work for us when we ask.Lord, work in me today. Show me the things that are important and give me the strength to do them. Pour out your wisdom in me to let go of the things that are only distractions from your perfect will. Forgive me for my stubbornness and my controlling nature. Bend me, mold me, shape me to resemble you. May others see the family resemblance in me today. In Jesus' name, amen.

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