Monday, February 23, 2009

Good morning and happy Monday!! What a wonderfully blessed weekend I had! I want to thank you again for praying for Mike's mom. Her recovery from her surgery is amazing us! She is at home with minimal pain (with a 10-12" incision). What an an amazing God we serve!

On Saturday, we took Nathan and some friends, bowling for his birthday. I realized that boys birthday parties are so much quieter and girls.

I'm not quite sure what was up with his hair, but I'm sure he wasn't bothered by it.

On Saturday evening, we had the opportunity to watch some friends' children while they went to watch "Fireproof" at Pontiac Bible Church ( . It's a great marriage enhancing movie and I highly recommend it. If you haven't seen it - it is out on dvd.

We continued "Discovering God's Will" by Andy Stanley in Sunday school. It has been a very interesting journey. Yesterday, we learned about asking for wise counsel. The older I get, the harder it is for me to ask for advice and help. The lesson reminded me of how God puts people in my life as helpers. In order for me to make better, more godly decisions, I need to seek out counsel from others who have "been there - done that".

Like I said, we had a wonderful weekend, but today, I have to admit to my nervousness. Today is the day that I start school. A million things are running through my mind as I wonder where this journey is going to take me. Tonight is orientation and my husband was invited to come, so I'm glad that he will be going with me. I ask for your prayers as I begin this new adventure in my life, holding on tightly to my Lord's hand and trusting that He will use it to make me into a woman who more resembles Him.

Thank you for your prayers - have a great day

Living fearlessly in Christ


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