Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I would like to start today, by asking for your prayers for my sweet boy, Nathan. He's in the midst of the stomach flu. He was utterly embarrassed yesterday at school when he threw up in the middle of math class. Although, his friends really appreciated the break from class. His teacher thought it was because he got too hot at gym class, so she let him stay. Thinking he was alright, we went to his sister's basketball game (yea - PC won!) but shortly after getting home, he was throwing up again. It has hit him hard, because this is the first time I can remember him ever throwing up on the floor (or should I say, light colored CARPET). I am so blessed because I have a wonderful husband who was right next to me cleaning up the mess that covered alot of territory.

I guess you better pray for me too, since Christie is not a nice girl without her full nights sleep.

Anyway, on to the last chapter of Ruth: Boaz goes to the city gate, where the close relative of Elimelech comes by. Boaz asks him and ten elders of the city to sit down with him. He asks the relative if he would like to buy the land that was Elimelech's and he does want to - that is, until he finds out that he also has to take Ruth as his wife in the deal. When he finds out about the marriage deal, he freely gives the opportunity to Boaz.

When Boaz accepts the offer, the elders and men of the city, confirm it as witnesses and they give their blessing over it.

So Boaz takes Ruth as his wife and she conceives and gave birth to a son.

Vs. 14&15 Then the women said to Naomi, "Blessed is the Lord who has not left you without a redeemer today, and may His name become famous in Israel. May He also be to you a restorer of life and a sustainer of your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you and is better to you than seven sons, has given birth to him."

Vs. 16&17 "Then Naomi took the child and laid him in her lap, and became his nurse. The neighbor women gave him a name, saying, 'A son has been born to Naomi!' So they named him Obed. He is the father of Jesse, the father of David."

God brought so much good out of the tragedies in Naomi's life. Once again, this chapter reminds us of God's faithfulness. I wanted to share with you the commentary in my Bible on verses 16-17 as it brings such encouragement.

"To some, the book of Ruth may be just a nice story about a girl who was fortunate. But in reality, the events recorded in Ruth were part of God's preparations for the births of David and of Jesus, the promised Messiah. Just as Ruth was unaware of this larger purpose in her life, so we will not know the full purpose and importance of our lives until we are able to look back from the perspective of eternity. We must make our choices with God's eternal values in mind. Taking moral shortcuts and living for short-range pleasures are not good ways to move ahead. Because of Ruth's faithful obedience, her life and legacy were significant even though she couldn't see all the results. Live in faithfulness to God, knowing that the significance of your life will extend beyond your lifetime. The rewards will outweigh any sacrifice you may have made."

What an example of abundant life when we choose to trust in our Lord and Savior

Have a great day

Living fearlessly

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