Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Monday! This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Sorry for being so perky on a Monday morning, but I have to say that this beautiful weather we have enjoyed over the weekend and today has really lifted my spirits. We spent alot of time outside with cooler temperatures and lots of sunshine. We have been preparing for our daughter's baptism celebration on Sunday by getting the grass mowed, weeds pulled and bushes trimmed. I also did some painting over the weekend - busy, busy, but all work that I enjoy doing. Isn't it cool when you can actually enjoy the work you have to do? Now that I think about it, I guess with the right perspective, you could enjoy any kind of work. Even those tasks that aren't your favorite, with a thankful attitude, you could enjoy praising God through any situation.

As I continue to study in the book of Acts, I think about how the disciples desired to tell others about Jesus - they enjoyed telling others about Jesus. I'm sure they did not enjoy the ridicule, mocking, abuse, threats and stonings that went along with it but with their minds focused on God, they continued on with open hearts and minds. I'm not sure that I would have done the same.

In chapter 10, God gives Peter a vision that he doesn't understand at first. He see something like a big sheet coming down from heaven and on it were animals, reptiles and birds. A voice from heaven said "Rise, Peter, kill and eat." Peter replies by telling God that he has never eaten anything unclean." God says "What God has made clean, do not call common."

Luckily, God gives him understanding that it is about people. As Jews, they were not to associate with any one of another nation, but God was showing him that no one was unclean - His love and salvation was for everyone. In verse 34, Peter says "Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him."

Praise God! How encouraging those words were for me! God is for everyone! His love, His forgiveness, His compassion - it's for us all! How often do we choose who we think should hear the Gospel? How often do we think that there's no sense in trying because their never going to get it? Or avoid someone who is not like you? God says HE'S FOR EVERYONE - let's do our part to share Him through ourselves to EVERYONE.

Who have you avoided? Who have I avoided? God not only gave Peter the mission to tell everyone he could get in front of, but us also. Let's make the choice today -

Have a great day

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