Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I've been thinking about fear lately. I encouraged a friend who has dealt with severe panic attacks who drove to Joliet inspite of her fear, another friend who is leaving for a mission trip in a month to obey God's prompting inspite of her fear, and last night in class we discussed the fear of public speaking that most people face.

We may be afraid to do what God calls us to do, whether the request is big or small - when it pulls us from our comfort zone - we are afraid.

God reminded me of something yesterday. This is a BIG something. This is something I want to remind myself of on a daily basis. This could very easily change your life, so be prepared.

Fear is not being afraid - fear is when you don't do what God is calling you to do because you are afraid.

Be afraid and do it anyway!

Our confidence and trust in the Lord comes when we don't allow being afraid to stand in our way. God has shown me over and over again - He is faithful. When He calls me to obey - He provides all I need. It is nothing of me and it is nothing of you - all we have to do is be willing.

Say yes and let God do the rest

Living fearlessly in Christ

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