Monday, January 4, 2010

Doing hard things is worth the effort.

It would be easy to give up on purposeful parenting when my children continue to behave badly.

It would be easy to give up on prayer when God doesn't answer the way I want Him to.

It would be easy to quit school when the assignments are overwhelming.

It would be easy to leave a marriage that felt like it was falling apart.

It would be easy to quit a job when the boss or co-workers are very annoying.

It would be easy to skip church when I want to sleep in on Sunday.

It would be easy to only think of myself and what I want.

Taking the easy way out may seem like the best thing to do today but it is so important to look past today and consider what the future would look like if we do.

Did Jesus take the easy way out in any of the situations He faced while on this earth?

Absolutely not!

Not only did He not take the easy way out but reminds us that in following Him, we too must daily take up our cross and follow Him.

As Christ Followers, we are called to do some hard things and doing hard things goes against everything we are taught in this "feel good" world.

Will you follow Christ or will you follow the world?

It is up to you.

Living fearlessly in Christ

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